Using Vercel rewrites as a reverse proxy

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Note: If you are using the EU cloud then use eu instead of us in all domains (e.g. ->

Vercel supports rewrites which we can use as a reverse proxy. Create a vercel.json file and add a rewrites object from the /ingest route.

"rewrites": [
"source": "/ingest/static/:path*",
"destination": "*"
"source": "/ingest/:path*",
"destination": "*"

Some frameworks, like SvelteKit and Astro, require a hungrier regex pattern like:

"rewrites": [
"source": "/ingest/static/:path(.*)",
"destination": "*"
"source": "/ingest/:path(.*)",
"destination": "*"

Note: Some frameworks, like T3 app, don't support Vercel rewrites well. If neither of these options work, we recommend trying another proxy method.

Once done, set the /ingest route of your domain as the API host in your PostHog initialization like this:

api_host: '',
ui_host: '' // or '' if your PostHog is hosted in Europe

Once updated, deploy your changes on Vercel and check that PostHog requests are going to by checking the network tab on your domain.

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Content Security Policy and ingestion domains

Using Content Security Policies NOTE: This only applies to PostHog Cloud. As described on MDN : Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft, to site defacement, to malware distribution. If you choose to use a CSP it is important to ensure that PostHog domains are permitted. PostHog is a distributed…

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